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    Replace Assets in React Applications Created with create-react-app

Replace Assets in React Applications Created with create-react-app

InstructorColby Fayock

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Before we dig in, let's personalize our app!

For the first Extra Credit activity, look for the avatar.jpg file and update it with your own photo.

You can find the image file in /lessons/shared-assets.

Click here for exercise instructions

Instructor: After installing our dependencies, we're going to start up with this lunchtime app. We can see in the top right corner, we have an avatar, but that's me. What if we wanted to personalize that or even if I wanted to change it to another picture of myself?

I downloaded this other picture of me biting the world. The first thing I'm going to do is move it to the shared assets folder in our project. Next, I want to remove that original avatar file and rename this file to avatar. If we reload the page, we can see that it already changed.