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    Manage Stale Map Data in React Leaflet

Manage Stale Map Data in React Leaflet

InstructorColby Fayock

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So far, we haven't noticed any issues with map state, but that doesn't mean there aren't any issues!

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Colby Fayock: Previously, we commented out our marker component. What if we uncommented that and see what it did on the map?

Since they're the same location, we can't really notice a difference they do the same thing. If we look in the Source code, we can actually see that there are two instances of a marker. While visually, that might not make a difference, it can become problematic with the code.

To test this out, I added a quick-click event to our marker. The goal here is once somebody clicks on that marker, it's going to console.log('TEST'). If I go to the page and try to click it, we can see that we don't actually get a console.log.

The issue here is that our marker component is sitting on top of the one we added programmatically. We can see this by adding a draggable property to our marker and setting it to true. Now, in our browser, we can drag off that marker and click the one behind it. We can see that a console.logs out ('TEST').

To fix this, the obvious thing is to remove the marker component. Moving forward, we want to also make sure that we're managing markers from one spot. That way, we have a single source of truth for managing our map state. Once that component's gone, I can now click it, and I can see my test log.