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    Create a New Basemap Style in Mapbox Studio

Create a New Basemap Style in Mapbox Studio

InstructorColby Fayock

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Here's where you can go nuts!

Your first extra credit assignment is to go back to Mapbox and create a new Map Style. Now that you're on your own, you can choose any basemap you want, whether it's a vector map or one with satellite imagery. Feel free to customize and use any color you'd like!

Once you create your new style, you can update your Search page basemap TileLayer to use that new style.

Click here for exercise instructions

Colby Fayock: If we wanted to create a new style, we can go to the Mapbox Studio just like before where we can create a new style. This time, I'm going to select satellite streets, and then I'll hit Customize satellite streets. I'm going to leave this as is just like before and go back to styles.

Here, I'm going to grab the style URL so they can paste that value in, and I can grab the ID. Now, I can update our environment variable for the style ID and restart our development server. I can see my new satellite basemap.