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    Install Leaflet and react-leaflet with NPM in a JavaScript Project

Install Leaflet and react-leaflet with NPM in a JavaScript Project

InstructorColby Fayock

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While there are a few options for building maps, Leaflet is the most popular. Lucky for us, Leaflet is also available as a ReactJS component library with React Leaflet. We'll use both Leaflet and React Leaflet to build a map in our React app.

To get started, we need to install:

Leaflet ( and React Leaflet (

Click here for exercise instructions

Instructor: In order to start adding our map, we need to install some dependencies. First, we're going to run npm install, and we may want to add leaflet and react-leaflet.

Once we have those dependencies successfully installed, we should now see that inside of our package.json we have leaflet and react-leaflet. Now we are ready to add our map.