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    Course Introduction: Build Maps with React Leaflet
    1m 7s

Course Introduction: Build Maps with React Leaflet

InstructorColby Fayock

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Colby Fayock: Hello, mappers. Welcome to building maps with React-Leaflet. I'm super excited to walk you through building your own mapping app. I'm Colby Fayock. I've been working as a lead UX and front-end engineer. I've been building mapping apps for commercial satellite dashboards and disaster relief efforts. Enough about me. What are we going to learn?

We're going to walk through adding a map to a React application. With our map, we're going to customize it with Mapbox. We're going to learn about some common geospatial data formats like GeoJSON. We'll also walk through building our own GeoJSON. With our mapping app data, we'll add markers to display that data, and we'll learn how to add complex shapes using location metadata.

Before we get into that, what will you need? First, you'll need a computer to work through the challenges. I promise you'll be this happy by the end of the workshop. You also need Git on your computer so you can check out the code, and you'll need nodes so we can install our packages and run our scripts. Finally, a positive attitude as we'll have a little bit of fun with our project.

In order to get started right away, make sure you follow the steps in the GitHub instructions that walk you through setting up the project. For those familiar with create-react-app, we'll be cloning a project already bootstrapped with it. Basically, we'll be running the install command and then running the develop command to get started.

Make sure you're all ready to go before you dive in. I'm super excited to jump right in with you. Thanks for joining in, and let's get started.