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    Drop Points in to Create Your First GeoJSON FeatureCollection

Drop Points in to Create Your First GeoJSON FeatureCollection

InstructorColby Fayock

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Writing data documents by hand isn't always the best approach, nor the most fun. Luckily we have tools available for us, and is one for GeoJSON.

How can we use it to create the new location data for our map?

Click here for exercise instructions

Colby Fayock: To create GeoJSON, we don't necessarily have to do that manually each time. If I wanted to create some GeoJSON with adding a point to the National Air and Space Museum, I can use this map marker point, and I can drop it right on the map.

As you can see, this created a feature collection for me as well as the features which include my one point. That means if I wanted to also add a marker for the National Museum of Natural History, I can select that map marker, and I can drop it on the map. Now, we have a feature collection with both of our features.