As we know, Mapbox is a suite of tools that provide a bunch of services. But those services can't be free forever or else they'ed be out of business! That's where an API Key comes in.
When using a basemap from Mapbox, an API Key is a way for Mapbox to know the request to their servers is authenticated and valid. Additionally, it gives them a way to track how much that key's being used.
Mapbox gives you a default key, which is okay to use, but we're going to create a new key that we can use specifically for our project.
Colby Fayock: In order to use the Mapbox services, we need an API key. On this page, we're given a default public token, but we want to create one that's just for this map. We can select Create a token where we can specify a name like lunch time.
We can leave the token scopes as is. If we want any URL restrictions, we can add them, but we're going to leave them as is and just click Create token. Once we enter our password, we can see our new token.