When a user lands on your authenticated page, what's the first thing they see? A bunch of loading spinners? Yeah, that's pretty common. It's not an altogether great experience, especially if things bounce around all over the screen while parts of the app pop into place. The problem is that you can't really control which of these things will load first. This is what <React.SuspenseList />
was created to solve.
Here we have an example app that shows us this kind of experience and we want to improve the loading states with React's SuspenseList component.
Instructor: We've built an app so the Pokémon can manage their money, so I'm going to click on Pikachu here. We're going to load the nav and the left nav, the right nav, and then the main content here, where we show some links up here at the top. You can search.
You've got some links here on the side. You've got some advertisements and public service announcements. Then we also have this feature, Check-Split, so you can split the check with your friends. Then you can send money to your friends, and you can review the money that your friends have sent to you.
The thing that I want to point out in particular is this loading experience that we have when we land on this page in the first place. Let's watch that again. We click on Pikachu. We have a loading spinner for all four of the components that we're loading.
We're doing this for various reasons -- maybe the code behind this is really heavy. Maybe we're doing some really heavy A/B testing, and we don't want to load any of the code that's not necessary. Maybe we have a ton of different variations of what these cards look like and we only want to load the code for the particular cards that we're going to display.
There are lots of good reasons to code split your code to not send everything that you've built to the browser. This is a situation where you wind up with this loading spinner of doom where you have just a bunch of loading spinners all over the page. As things load in, just pay close attention how things bump around as things jump in.
Let's take a look at how this is implemented and see how we can improve this with suspense list. Here we have all of our lazily loaded components. You'll notice we're just using React.lazy, we have our dynamic import.
Then, we actually tack on a .then to delay each one of these imports by a certain number of milliseconds, just so that we can see what it looks like as they load in over time. We can simulate this being particularly heavy components or having a pretty slow network speed.
If we go down here to our app, we start out with a Pokémon resource of null. If there is no Pokémon resource, then we'll render out the form. As soon as the user selects a Pokémon, then we request the user information for that Pokémon. That includes their transactions, their friends and their color and then we render out the rest of our app.
We have an error boundary and then we have suspense boundaries around each one of these lazily loaded components because we don't want to have to wait for all of them to load before we show anything. We want them to come in over time as they're available.
Unfortunately, this gives us that junky bouncing around experience. It would be nice if we could control how these things are loaded, so that we can improve the perceived performance of our application. This is where React suspense list comes in.
Right around our React Suspense components right here, I'm going to add a React Suspense list. We'll just put all of these Suspense list components in that React Suspense list.
If we save that and go here, you're going to notice there's actually no change here. Let's go ahead and add a Reveal order prop. This takes a couple of options. First, let's do together. Save that, come here, and now all of the loading spinners show up. None of them go away until everything is ready and no longer suspended.
That improves the experience a little bit because they're not jumping around all over the place as they load in, but it doesn't really improve things a whole lot. If one of these things took a long time, like, let's say the main content took five seconds, then the user's just going to be sitting here for quite some time.
They could make use after the left nav, the top nav, or even the right nav before that middle content loads in. Let's undo that change. We'll come down here, and we'll use forwards. Save that and come in here. Then, we're going to get the top nav loading. Then, these load in whatever order they load.
One important thing about Suspense lists with the Reveal order of forwards -- and there's also a backwards -- is that it only applies to the direct children of the Suspense list. If we have any other elements between the Suspense list and the Suspense component.
When the Reveal order is forwards or backwards, then those Suspense components will render as soon as they're ready. To get around this, we can add a Suspense list as a nested Suspense list here. Let's put all these in a nested Suspense list with the Reveal order of forwards.
Then, we'll get the experience that we're looking for -- top, left, right, and then further right. If we wanted to, we could actually nest this even further by putting those two together. We could say here React Suspense list, Reveal order. We'll put these together. Then, we'll put both of these inside of that together.
That gives us an interesting experience where we get the top first. Then we get the left nav. Then these two will pop in when they're both ready to go. You can nest these things all day long and have fine-grained control over how things are loading. You also have a bit of control over the loading state.
We can say tail is hidden. That will basically mean that we don't see any loading indicators of any kind. Probably not the best user experience here, so instead of hidden, let's go ahead and say the tail is collapsed. Then, we'll click on new here. We'll see the loading spinner for the next thing that's supposed to load.
If we want to have the same experience for this group of suspending components, then we can add a tail collapsed on this. We can say Pikachu. We give that one. We get this one.
Then, we get these two because they're loading together. You can't specify a tail when the reveal order is together. Let's go ahead and comment this out and take a look at what the tail collapsed would look like for all three of these Suspending components.
We got a Mew. We got the one for the navbar, one for the left, one for the middle content, and then one for the check split. I liked that before, so let's comment this out and comment this out. We'll leave it like that.
In review, all that we were doing in here was playing around with the React Suspense list component with the Reveal order and tail props that it supports. It gives us fine-grain control over the order in which these Suspending components are going to load and at the fallbacks that are shown.
Chase.com probably can benefit heavily with that approach as their site shows 5 loading images, which is overwhelming.
Sorry for the external link but it's the demo (https://imgur.com/a/KOJCHqH) or you can go to chase.com to check their current behavior.
Excellent example!