When using the forwards
option for the SuspenseList revealOrder
prop, SuspenseList will only render one of the suspending components at a time as an optimization. But our components are implemented with React.lazy
so they don't request the module code until late. Let's preload the module code so we get that code loading as quickly as possible.
Instructor: We actually have a bit of a problem here. This is the before, and this is after. I want you to watch how quickly we get things onto the screen. If I click on Pikachu here and then Pikachu here, you'll notice this one's done. This one takes quite a bit more time to get everything loaded.
What's going on here, why is this slower? We should have been able to control the order in which things are rendered, not the order in which things are loaded. It looks to me like we have a waterfall problem. That's exactly what we have here.
When you put a suspense component inside of a suspense list, then based on the reveal order that you specify, React will find the suspense component and find the one that should load first. It will render that component.
Then for all the other suspense components, it does not render those children. It does this as an optimization, so we don't bother rendering something that we actually don't need the user to see yet. It's a great optimization, but it's backfiring for us because these components are React.lazy components. React.lazy will lazily import the module at the time that the component is rendered.
Because our suspense list is making sure that the navbar is the first thing that's actually rendered and it prevents rendering the rest of our suspense components, we're not making a request to get the code for this component, until it's actually rendered, which is a bit later when we're using suspense list with this reveal order of forwards.
This is a known trade off and there are currently discussions with the React team trying to figure out a good way to address this particular problem. I have a little workaround that I think is interesting. At the time that the user submits a Pokémon, we know we need to go and request all of this lazily loaded components.
What if we had some sort of API where we could say, "Hey. I want my navbar to preload the module, and I want my main content to preload, and my left nav to preload and my right nav to preload." We just get all of those things preloaded. By the time the suspense component gets to our component, we've already started loading the module.
Here, let's go ahead and implement this preload strategy. I'm going to make a function here called preloadable lazy. This is going to take our dynamic import and then it's going to return React.lazy with the dynamic import.
This is just a straight up refactor. There's nothing special going on here. We're just wrapping React.lazy with our own function. Now, what we're getting back from this is a component. I want that component to have a preload function it. We're going to return the component here. What I'm going to do is I'm going to make a function called load.
We're going to have a promise that's assigned to dynamic import. We'll just call that. Let's define this promise here. Then, we'll return the promise. If we've already defined the promise, if load has already been called, then we'll check that. We'll say, "If not promise, then we'll assign the promise to the dynamic import call."
Then, we'll return it. That way, we only make one call to the dynamic import, and we hang on to the same promise that was made the first time that load was called. With this now, we can actually put that in our React.lazy call and preload can simply be assigned to load. We can make this dynamic import call.
Get access to the promise. Then, when React.lazy is called later, we return the exact same promise as the one that was preloaded. With that, we can go back to our app. Click on Pikachu here. Everything loads a lot quicker than before. Let's go ahead and watch that again with Mew.
In review, the problem that we're solving here React Suspense list has an optimization where it doesn't bother rendering the Suspense components until they actually need to be rendered based on the order that we specified in our reveal order.
That's a problem for us because these components are suspending when they're rendered. They fire off the request to get the module at the time that they rendered. We need to start the request to get the module before they're rendered. Write in this cement handler where we set the Pokémon resource.
We know we're going to need all these modules, so we call preload to get the module loading happening sooner. We created that preload method as a wrapper around the React.lazy API so we can call that dynamic import and keep a handle on the promise. We return that same promise when React.lazy calls it.
That lets us benefit from both React Suspense list and React.lazy so that users using our app have a much faster loading experience that's less janky as things load in because we're able to control the order in which the suspending components are rendered. Again, I'll just say that this is experimental technology.
By the time React Suspense is stable, there may be a better solution for this problem built into React, and you won't have to write any preloadable lazy function to make React Suspense list work well with React.lazy. Look forward to that.
Thanks for a helpful tweak of an issue. I'll leave it here, in case people would like to get deeper into the thread https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/17413