Now that we know how to preload images, we can create a custom <Img />
component which suspends until the image has been loaded into the browser cache. This way we avoid issues where contents bounce around when the image is loads and ensure that there aren't consistency issues with the data and the image that's displayed.
Instructor: Many of the users using our application are going to come to the application without having loaded any of the images of our app. Those images won't be in the browser cache.
If I ran click here and click empty cache and hard reload, because I have my network tab open here. Then I'm going to go to slow. I'll get rid of all of this output here. Then I go to Pikachu. It's going to take a second to load my fallback. Then it's going to take a second to actually load the Pikachu image here.
It gets even worse when I click on Charizard because now Charizard has data show up, but the image doesn't show up until later. I'd much rather not show the data until the image is ready as well.
To solve that problem, I'm going to make an image component that's going to take props like source and alt, and all the rest of the props that it's going to take. We're just going to return image with the source pointed to the source, and alt. We'll spread the rest of the props.
We're just wrapping the image component. I'm just going to swap this and now I'm going to say let image source resource = createResource. We'll asynchronously preload the image. We're going to do that in a function. We'll call it preload image with the source. Then we'll make that function preload image, it will take that source.
Here, it needs to return a promise because we're creating a resource out of it. We're going to make a new promise that will take a call back that accepts a resolve function. We'll make an image with document.createElement image. We'll set the image source to the source. Then, we'll say image onload, so when the browser has loaded this image, then we will resolve with the source.
The resource that we're creating here is accepting a function that returns the promise of preload image. When that promise resolves, it resolves to the source, which by now has been preloaded into the browser's cache.
Because we're creating this resource right here, if we just go ahead and try to say image source, then every single time React tries to render this image, it's going to create a brand new resource. That read is going to throw every time. We need to cache this resource.
I'm going to make an image source resource cache. It's not an image cache. The image cache lives in the browser. This is a resource cache, which is keeping track of the promises that associated to the images by their source URL.
Now, I'm actually going cut this out, and we'll assign this to image source resource cache at the source. If there's not an image source resource, so if that does not exist, then we'll assign image source resource to that createResource that we were doing before. It is important to spell things correctly in programming.
We'll create that image source resource, and then we'll add this to the cache. Let's say, the cache at that source will be assigned to that new resource we created. In any case, we're going to go ahead and read that resource's data.
On the first render of this component, we're going to create a brand new resource, we'll read it, which is going to throw, because the image isn't yet ready. When the image unload finishes, that means the image is now in the browser cache -- assuming the cache control headers are set properly for this resource -- and then it will resolve with the source of the image.
That will trigger a re-render of our image. Then, when we go to read, we'll get the source for our image. Now it's in the browser cache, so it should show instantly.
Let's go ahead and test this out. I'll pull out my Developer Tools. I'll do a hard reload. I'll clear all this out, just to clean that up. We'll go to slow 3G and we'll load Pikachu for the first time. It will take a moment for Pikachu to get its image loaded.
You'll notice, that as soon as Pikachu's data is loaded, Pikachu's image will be ready as well. Then, if we go to Charizard, you'll notice that Charizard's data doesn't show up until Charizard's image is also ready. They show up together, which is a much better user experience. We can do it again with Mew. Mew's information doesn't show up until Mew's image is ready as well.
Then, the caching that we implemented before is still available, not only for the data resources, but also the image resources as well.
In review, what we did here was, we created this preloadImage function, which gives us an asynchronous function for getting images by their source, into the browser cache. Then, we created an image resource cache, so that when we render image tags, we can create a resource and have this image suspend, until we know that image is in the browser cache.
This ensures that our components suspend until all of the resources are ready, including images.
For me does not work that smoothly on the slow network like on the video. I tried both 05 and 05-extra.1 from the exercises-final
. It took time for images to switch after the content already has changed. Also, there are times when content jumps up because it has no image to render. Tested with uncommented window.fetch.restoreOriginalFetch()