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Modify Suspense Config to Avoid a Flash of Loading State

InstructorKent C. Dodds

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This video uses an experimental API that has been changed. useTransition no longer accepts a SUSPENSE_CONFIG. Learn more.

By improving the loading experience for users with fast connections, we actually made the experience worse for people with slower connections using two additional configuration options busyDelayMs and busyMinDurationMs allowing us to communicate with React: "If the busy time takes at least x milliseconds, then show the busy state for at least y milliseconds."

Instructor: We've really improved the perceived performance of our application by not showing loading states when we don't need to and showing them when we do. The way that we accomplish that is we make a CSS transition that sets the opacity after 400 milliseconds. If the request takes shorter than 400 milliseconds, then we don't see that opacity change at all.

The problem is, for users who are sitting here at around 500 milliseconds for this request are going to get a flash of loading state, just like what we had before. In our efforts to improve the experience for user with fast connections, we've made the experience a little worse for users with mediocre connections.

That's why the React suspense config API supports a way for you to tell React if this transition takes longer than X amount of milliseconds. I want you to keep the pending state around for a total of Y milliseconds because if a user is going to see a pending state, it's better that that pending state is longer than just 50 or 100 milliseconds.

This API is pretty experimental. It's not even documented, so it is pretty likely to change and it's a little bit awkward. Here, we're going to specify in our config a busy delay ms. If it takes slightly shorter than our CSS transition delay, so 300 milliseconds when our CSS transition delay is 400 milliseconds.

If the transition takes longer than that, then we want to keep it around with a busy min duration at milliseconds of 700 milliseconds. If the transition takes at least 300 milliseconds, then I want the transition to be at least 700 milliseconds. That way we're showing the busy state for about 400 milliseconds between this.

These numbers aren't exact because React is doing a lot of guess work under the hood to give our users the best experience possible. This gives us a bit of control over that experience.

If I save this, we're going to see Pikachu load and then when I go to Charizard, we're going to see that loading state happen for a little bit longer than it was before. Just long enough for it to be a better user experience.

Let's compare that again if I get rid of those configuration options. You notice that we see just a flash of that pending state, which isn't a super great user experience. We bring this back and it does take a little bit longer to transition to Charizard and Mew here. Despite that, it actually feels faster for users based on research from the React team, which is why this API exist.

In review, the problem we are trying to solve here revolves around perceived performance of our application. Research suggests that if users see a flash of loading state, it makes them feel like the app is slow. We're better off not showing them a loading state immediately and only showing it after a few hundred milliseconds.

If we do show it, we want to make sure that it stays around long enough so it's not a flash of loading state in that time frame. That's the problem that we solved in this lesson with busy delay milliseconds and busy min duration milliseconds.

Again, these are pretty experimental APIs and may change, but these are the APIs that work with the experimental version of React.