In this lesson, we are going to extend our application store with a subscribe method so that we do not have to manually query our application store every time we dispatch an action.
In our categories controller, we are dispatching a GET_CATEGORIES action every time we want to update the categories collection within our application store. For this change to be propagated back into our controller, we need to call store.getState.
Depending on how many times we are calling store.dispatch, this could get very cumbersome. We will extend our application by adding a subscribe method so that state changes are automatically pushed into our controller.
In this lesson, we are going to extend our application store with a subscribe method so that we do not have to call store.getstate every single time we dispatch an action. In our categories controller, we are dispatching a get categories action in a couple places.
This updates the categories collection within our application store, but in order for this change to be propagated back into our controller, we need to call store.getstate. Depending on how many times we are calling store.dispatch, this could get very cumbersome.
Let's hop into our file, and add a subscribe method so that state change is automatically pushed into our controller. The first thing that we're going to do is create a listeners collection. We'll initialize this to an empty array.
From here, we're going to add a subscribe method that takes a single parameter, which is listener. From here, we are going to add a listener to the listeners array. We could do this.listeners.pushlistener, but this is a mutable operation.
In an effort to favor a mutable operations, we're going to use the spread operator to concatenate this together into a new array. From here, we're going to create an interesting function that, when it is returned, it's going to filter through the listeners collection, and return all of the listeners that do not match the listener that we passed in.
What I've just described in an unsubscribe method. This is handy when you want to tear down a component that has a subscription. This allows us to call this method that we're returning, and then remove that from the listeners array.
We have the ability to add listeners. We need the ability to then essentially trigger the listener that we've passed in. Generally, this is just going to be a method. When something has been dispatched, we're just going to loop through the listeners, and call the listener method.
Let's hop into our categories controller. We are going to subscribe to our store, so subscribe, and we're going to pass it in our listener method. Every time this gets called, we just want to call this.categories equals thisstore.getstate.
We're still calling it after every dispatch. We're just abstracting out to the store. Now we can remove this line, and we can remove this line here. We're just going to keep going, and we can remove this line here. Let's hop into our browser, and see this working.
Refresh. Let's count to about three, and let's count to three again. You can see that our categories are still updating, even though we're not manually calling the store get state within our controller. From here, let's go ahead and wire up this unsubscribe method that we're returning, just to see it working.
This.unsubscribe equals the result of calling We can go anywhere into this code, and call this. We'll go into our second dispatch call. We're just going to call this.unsubscribe. It's going to call it with array with two items, but then in the third call, nothing's going to happen.
We'll refresh, count to about three, and we could count to about infinity because nothing's going to happen at this point. We have unsubscribed. This is just handy to know about so that you can wire it up, for instance, on on destroy.
If we take it out, we'll count to three, and then we'll count to three again. Lo and behold, subscribe is working in that third dispatch block. Let's do a quick review of what we've done in this lesson. We'll go into our app store.
You can see that we have created a listeners array that we are sending in a listener method to be added to this array. At the bottom of this, we are returning an unsubscribe method that just returns the listener from the listeners that we passed in when it's called.
When we call dispatch, we are calling our reducer, but then we're looping through our listeners, and we're calling the listener method that we've passed in. From here, you can see that we're subscribing to the store, and passing in a method that, every time it gets called, it just calls thisstore.getstate, and returns that value, and assigns it to this.categories.
From here, we were able to remove the explicit thisstore.getstate call after all of our dispatch calls because, implicitly, we are updating our controller every time that we call thisstore.dispatch. This is how you add a subscribe method to a store so that changes are automatically propagated to whoever is listening.