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Angular 1.x Redux: Handle Multiple Models by Combining Reducers

InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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In this lesson, we are going to learn how to enable our store to work with more than one reducer in an application.

Currently, we have set up our store to work with the categories reducer exclusively, but this leaves us with a real problem, what if we want to keep track of the currently selected category within our store so that we can access that data somewhere else in the app? It is safe to say that most applications consist of many data models interacting together, and we need a way to accommodate this within the single state tree in our application.

When we initialize our app store, wouldn't it be convenient if we could take all of our reducers and combine them into one big reducer that our store knows how to work with? Well, this is exactly what the combine reducer method does in Redux. It allows us to combine reducers together and then access them as a named property on our application store.

We currently have a category reducer just hanging out here doing nothing because we have been focusing entirely on the categories reducer. We are going to combine the two reducers so that we can use the current category data within our bookmarks component.

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to enable our store to work with more than one reducer within our application.

Currently, we have set up our store to work with the categories reducer exclusively, but this leaves us with a tiny problem. What if we want to keep track of the currently selected category within our store so that we can access that data somewhere else in the app? Another example is what if we want to track our bookmark state or the currently selected bookmark?

It's safe to say that most applications consist of many data models interacting together, and we need a way to accommodate this within the single state tree within our application. When we initialize our app store, wouldn't it be convenient if we could just take all of our reducers and combine them into one big reducer that our store knows how to work with?

This is exactly what the combineReducers method does in Redux. It allows us to combine our reducers together and then access them as a named property on our application state.

We currently have this category reducer just hanging out here doing nothing because we've been focusing exclusively on the categories reducer up to this point. We're going to combine these two reducers together so that we can use the currentCategory data to filter out our bookmarks in our bookmark component.

In order for this to work, the first thing that we need to do is import the combineReducers method from Redux. Then, we're going to create our root reducer, and we're going to populate this by calling combineReducers and passing in categories and our category reducer. We'll update our imports here.

From here, we're going to update our createStoreWith call to use the root reducer, and we'll pass in an empty array for our middleware. Let's go ahead and delete these timeout calls here.

Now that we have deleted those, we need to update how we're accessing getState. Because there's more than one reducer, we need to access our reducers by name, so this store.getState.categories and, for the current category, this store.getState.category.

We can also go down here to the onCategorySelected method and update this to use the store, as well. We'll go this store.dispatch, and we're going to dispatch a select category action. We'll pass in the category parameter.

Let's hop into the browser and see how far we've gotten. Now, we can see that we have the categories, and we can select them. It's keeping track of it within the categories component.

Let's hop into our bookmarks and surface this functionality within this component. We're going to update our dependencies to no longer use scope and categories model. We're just going to pass in ngRedux and then sign that to We can go into our anon ip block. We can go and delete these two lines.

Then, we're going to subscribe to the store. With every dispatch action, we're just going to grab the latest category and assign it to currentCategory. This.currentCategory =

Now we need to update our template slightly. We're no longer calling a method on the controller. Instead, we're just going to reference the currentCategory object itself. Let's update this ngIf at line 10 to do the same thing, so check for if we're going to show the Create Bookmark button.

Now we can select, and we see that it's filtering, but let's hit the Eggly logo to actually clear the filter. Nothing happens. The reason being is that we're passing in a null value, which in our category reducer we're just returning the state, so it's not actually doing anything.

We can update this to return this empty object with an undefined name property. What this is going to do is cater to the way that Angular filters work and say, "Hey, this doesn't match anything. Let's just show the entire collection."

Let's just do a quick review of what we've covered in this lesson. We imported the combineReducers method that we use to create a root reducer by passing in categories in category. Then we updated the createStoreWith call. From there, we updated how we are calling getState to reference our reducers by name.

Then, we updated our onCategorySelected method to use the store. Within our bookmarks, we imported ngRedux, and then we used that to subscribe and set our currentCategory property in the bookmarks controller. From there, we updated the template to use the currentCategory object directly.

Then, we updated the category reducer to return a category with the name of undefined if we want to reset the filter.

This is how you use combineReducers within your Angular application to take more than one reducer and make it available to the rest of your app.