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Angular 1.x Redux: Map State and Dispatchers to Redux

InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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In this lesson, we are going to learn how to map our Angular component directly to our application store using the connect method on ngRedux.

In Angular, it is a common technique to bind a controller property directly to the model so that our controllers remain lightweight and operate more as a pass through mechanism than anything else.

Using the connect method, we can accomplish the same effect by not only binding properties directly to the application store, but also binding our controller to our action creators. This allows us to drastically simplify our controllers as we are able to delete a bunch of local controller methods as they become unnecessary because of our mappings.

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to map our Angular component directly to our application store using the connect method on ng-redux. In Angular, it is a common technique to bind a controller property directly to the model so that our controllers remain lightweight and operate more as a pass-through mechanism than anything else.

Using the connect method, we can accomplish the same effect by not only binding properties directly to the application store, but we can also bind our controllers directly to our action creators. This allows us to drastically simplify our controllers, as you'll see in just a moment, as we delete a bunch of methods because they are redundant.

To see how this works, let's start with the categories controller. Let's do a bit of cleanup real quick. We'll delete this import here. Let's delete this line here. We no longer need the timeout service. Let's inject the bookmarks actions service. Let's create a local reference to this, so the stack bookmarks action equals bookmark actions.

We're going to call this store.connect. This takes three parameters. The first is an object that contains the mappings to our local state, to the store. This is just going to be a method we'll build in a moment.

The second parameter is an object that contains the mappings from our action items directly to our controller. This is just going to be an actions object we'll create in just a moment, and then the third is the target that we want to bind. In this case, it is this.

Let's go ahead and build out our map state to this method. This takes a single parameter, which is state. We're going to return an object map. We're going to say, "We want to map the local categories to state.categories, and we want to map our local current category to state.category."

This is going to then handle all of the subscriptions and the bindings for us. Essentially what it's doing is it's taking categories in current category, and under the hood, it is mapping them together. When one is updated in the store, it automatically updates in our controller.

The store.subscribe block we did here is no longer necessary, so we can go ahead and delete that manual subscribe block. What we're going to do next is build out our actions object. This is an action, or rather, an object that contains a bunch of functions that Redux is assuming are action creators.

In this case, what we're going to do is create a new object that contains our categories, actions, and our bookmark actions using object.assign. Now that we have defined our actions object, we no longer need to call store.dispatch, and we no longer need to reference our categories actions directly.

We can go ahead and delete that. Let's go down to On Categories Selected, and let's do the same thing. We'll get rid of this store.dispatch. We'll delete that, and let's delete the reference to categories actions as well. We can just call this directly, because of the mapping.

Let's hop into the browser and see that this is working. Everything is filtering correctly, and everything resets, but let's go ahead. When we click it here, we can see that we haven't reset the selected bookmark, but because we've mapped our bookmarks actions along with our categories actions to this controller, we can now call this .resetSelectedBookmark as if it existed on our controller.

Let's hop into the browser and verify that this is working. You can see now that we are dispatching the .resetSelectedBookmark action item under the hood.

When we call this .store.connect, it actually returns a function that we can use to unsubscribe our bindings from the store. We'll capture that with this .unsubscribe that we can use on our On Destroy life cycle hook. When this controller gets taken away or removed from the DOM, that we can just call this .unsubscribe and clean up after ourselves.

This is just removing any listeners that we have to our store. Let's go ahead and do the same thing in the bookmarks controller. This .unsubscribe, and then we'll call this .store.connect. We'll pass in a map state to this method, and we just want to bind directly, in this case, to Bookmarks Actions. We'll set the target to this.

Let's do our state mappings first. We'll build out this map state to this method. It takes the state parameter, which then we're going to use when we build out our object maps. We'll bind Bookmarks to state.bookmarks. We'll bind Current Bookmark to state.bookmark, and we'll bind Current Category to state.category.

Now that we have these bindings set up and our subscriptions in place, we can delete this block right here. It's no longer necessary. Let's clean up our call to Get Bookmarks. We no longer need Dispatch, and we no longer need to directly reference bookmarks actions.

Let's notice something interesting here that we are calling Save Bookmark on the Bookmarks Actions passing in the bookmark parameter. We're doing essentially the same thing here. The function signature is exactly the same. Because of this, this entire function is redundant.

We can just delete this entire block here. When we call it from the view, it will just pass through, because it's bound. Delete Bookmark Bookmark, Delete Bookmark Bookmark. The function signature is the same, so let's go ahead and delete it. Select Bookmark, Select Bookmark. Redundant.

I think you know where this is going. We can delete this as well. Now we were able to delete four methods because the bindings is just merely passing that through directly to our actions creators so that those actions get handled by our reducers, and it works through the Redux mechanisms.

This is a really handy way to lighten up our controller by mapping state and our actions directly to it. Let's check that everything is working. We can update. We can cancel. Let's create a new bookmark. You can see that we can also create a new bookmark.

Let's hop back into our bookmarks controller and do a review. We called, and we're mapping our local properties to the store. We're mapping our bookmarks actions also directly to our controller, which allowed us to delete quite a few of those methods.

One thing I did forget is to set up a lifecycle hook to call unsubscribe, so let's go $onDestroy, and let's call this .unsubscribe. Now you can see, using the store.connect method, we can map not only our local state to the store, but we can map action creators directly to our controller as well.