In this lesson, we are going to learn how to build an application store so that we can have a single place to store our application state. Reducers are great for updating state because they are stateless, but they are very bad at preserving state, which is vital when you need to reference state in more than one place.
We will build out a simple application store that will be responsible for keeping track of our categories collection that our categories controller can consume.
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to build a Redux store so that we can have a single place to store our application state. Reducers are great for updating state, but because they're stateless, obviously they are very bad at preserving state, which is vital when we need to reference state in more than one place.
This is where an application store comes in really handy. To alleviate the burden of keeping track of the categories collection within the categories controller, we're going to build out a simple store that we can use to keep track of the state that is returned from our categories reducer.
We'll start by creating an file. From here, we're going to create a store class.
Before I forget, I'm just going to export this. Our store is initialized with two parameters. The first one is the reducer that we want our store to operate on, and our initial state that we want to use for our store.
We'll assign this reducer equals reducer, and this state equals initial state. The API for an application store is really quite simple. We are going to use just two methods in this lesson, the first one being get state.
All this is going to do is return this.state. The next method is a little bit more involved. This is the dispatch method that accepts an action item, and using this action item, it's going to call the reducer that we passed in.
It's going to pass in the current state of the store with the action item, and take the result of calling the reducer with that action item. It's going to store it as this.state, which then we can use get state to access that from anywhere within our application.
To make our state available to our Angular application, we are going to import the store into our app.js file. We're also going to import a reducer and an initial state to create our store object. We'll import categories and initial categories.
From here, let's go ahead and declare our application store. Store equals new store, and we'll pass in categories and initial categories. We'll use the value service to make it available for dependency injection within our application.
Value store takes our store object that we initialized. Within our categories controller, we're going to inject our application store. We'll store this as a local property. Currently, we are doing the setting and the getting of our state in a single expression. We're going to split that out.
We're going to call, and we're going to just pass in this action item here. This is the setting of the state. We will call this.categories equals to get the state. Notice we're separating our setting of state from our getting of state.
We'll do the same thing here. We're going to dispatch this action item right here. We will fetch the new state from the store. This.categories equals We can go ahead and just copy this. We'll go down to our next call to our reducer, and we'll replace this.
We're just dispatching and getting it. Let's refresh the page. You can see, one, two, three, and one, two, three. Let's take a quick moment to review what we've done so far in this lesson. We created our application store, which takes a reducer and an initial state.
We have a get state method that just returns the current state. It's just basically a getter for state. Then we have our dispatch method, which accepts an action, which then stores the result of calling our reducer with the current state and the action into the state property, which then we can use get state to access from anywhere within our application.
You can see within our categories controller that we are dispatching an action to set the state. We're calling this.categories equals get state to retrieve the new and updated state within our application. This is how you use an application store to preserve state that is returned from our reducers.