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Setup a development mode in LoopBack API using nodemon

InstructorBram Borggreve

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In this lesson we will learn to create a development mode for our server. We do this by installing nodemon as a dev dependency and creating a script tag called 'dev'.

This script tag will execute the command nodemon server/server.js --watch common --watch server.

We can execute this command by running npm run dev.

When running in development mode the server will be automatically restarted when there are changes detected in the common and server directories.

Let's add a development mode to our Loopback project. We install nodemon as a devDependency, and when the installation is finished, we open up our package.json. Inside the scripts section, we add a dev key, and as a value, we enter this string.

This will watch the common and server folders, and restart the Loopback server when it detects changes. This saves us from manually restarting the server all the time.

We start the server by running npm run dev, and open a second terminal window. While we edit one of the source files, we see that the server restarts automatically.