In this lesson you will learn how to persist the data from the memory connector. As the name suggests, the memory connector stores the data in memory. This means that if you restart the server, the data is gone. In development mode it can be useful to store this data in a file, so it gets persisted between server restarts, and it can be easily inspected.
The default data source for a LoopBack API uses a connector that persists the data in memory. This means the data will be lost when we restart our process. When we stop the server, and we start it again, we hit our /products endpoint, and we see get an empty array.
It development mode, it can be useful to persist this data temporarily. To do so, we open datasources.json, and add a new file property. In this file property, we give the name to a JSON file. We hit save. We stop and start our server. We create a new property, and we verify it's there. In our editor, we can take a look at db.json, and see how the product got persisted.