We have a GraphQL service deployed but the service was moved from Netlify Functions to AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda doesn't do the same magic that Netlify Identity+Functions did for us, so we have to explore the GoTrue API, figure out which endpoints to hit, write an AWS custom authorizer, and make sure the authorizer will run before our lambda function.
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It's very unclear how to get the auth token if we hadn't done the netlify tutorial. If you can share urls and steps, that would be greatly appreciated. I took this tutorial because I wanted to learn serverless
To enable Identity service on your Netlify site, select the Identity tab and click Enable Identity.
From there, you'll need to start working with JWT and Identity. This is blog post will help you get started.
I would also recommend exploring the Netlify Identity sample site. There is a user account set up that you can use to gain access to the "Test Auth" page and see the auth token.
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