To create a new DynamoDB table, first we have to create a new AWS account
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Instructor: To create a new DynamoDB table, we'll have to create an AWS account first. We'll go to After getting to AWS, we can create a free account or check out the free tier details.
If we look at the free tier, it tells us how much of the infrastructure that we want to use we can get for free for the next 12 months. It will be a little bit hard to understand what these things mean if you don't know what these services' names are.
For example, we're going to be using DynamoDB, but we haven't explored what a right capacity unit is yet. We were going to use Amazon SageMaker. We don't even know what that does, so 250 hours is meaningless to us. We'll create a free account.
We can also give our account a name which we can change after we sign up because it doesn't really matter that much. This will be a personal account for us, which really just changes the information that we need to give. We do need to offer a credit card at this point, just in case we go over the free tier limit.
We'll go over later how to prevent ourselves from going over the free tier, if that's a concern for you. Everything in this series of videos will stay within the free tier limits.
You have to confirm your identity next. Enter a verification code. When you first sign into the console, you'll see that the region you're in is Ohio, and that the name you chose for your account is also indicated in the top right.