This lesson explores how to configure your project to use material design icons, display icons and icon buttons, and register custom icons for use with the material icon component.
Instructor: To get started using Material Design icons, you need to include a link to the font in your index.html file. Next, you need to import the Material icon module and include it in your NgModule imports. Once that's complete, you can start using Material icons in your components. A complete list of available icons can be found at
Let's start with a couple of basic examples. To include an icon, you can use the mat-icon component, passing it the name of the appropriate icon. For now, we'll start with a couple of examples. We'll use a check mark, a list, and let's also use the close button. We can refresh the page and see how this looks. We have our icons rendered in black.
If we want to adjust the color, then we can use the color property on the mat-icon component. I'm going to copy the example from above so we can see the three built-in color options. These options are primary, accent, and warn, and correspond to your app theme, which we'll see how to adjust in a future lesson.
Any component with a color input could be styled with these same three options. For instance, our list icon has a color of accent, which is pink. If we come over to our app component which contains our icon's header, we can see it also has a color of accent. This keeps colors consistent throughout the app, unless you easily change the theme if necessary.
Another common use case for icons is within buttons. Let's see how to set this up. What we really need to do is wrap the icon component in a button. Let's get a little formatting here. Next, we can add the mat-icon button directive. What this does is add a little extra padding and give us a ripple effect every time we click on the icon button.
The last major type of icon button is the floating action button. We can create the floating action button by changing mat-icon button directive to mat-fab. When we refresh the page, we have our FAB button, but the color is a little off because our color property is actually on our icon. Let's move this from the icon to the button itself.
Now we have the look we need. I'm going to go ahead and replace the rest of these so we can see the different color options. FAB buttons work great for the primary action on the page. They normally appear on the bottom right, or they split a header. You can think of actions like create email or take a picture, an action which has clear purpose on the page.
There may also be times where you need a mini-fab -- generally, when your floating action button is between your header and your main content. For that, we can use the mat-mini-fab directive. This gives us a floating action button that's slightly smaller than the normal floating action button.
Lastly, although the Material Design icon set has icons that can cover the majority of your use cases, you can also register new icons when needed. To demonstrate this, I added a custom camera SVG icon. Next, you need to import the Material icon registry from Angular Material as well as the DomSanitizer from angular/platform-browser.
Once these services are imported and injected, we need to call icon-registry.ed SVG icon, giving it a name we will use to reference this icon in our templates. We need to use a DomSanitizer to say we're going to trust this URL. Let's go ahead and change the path to our custom camera SVG path.
All that's left to do is on the Material icon component you can use the SVG icon property to pass the name that we registered earlier, so, in this case, custom camera. We can go ahead and get rid of the check-circle icon text. When we reload, we can see we have our custom camera icon.