This lesson explores the Angular Material datatable component. This includes configuring your data source, setup of row and column templates, and adding filtering and paging to your datatable.
Instructor: To get started using material data tables, you need to include the MatTableModule in your NgModule imports. It's worth noting that this component is built off the Angular CDK table component, so if you'd like to use a data table without material design styling, you can include that module instead.
Before we get into display of the data, we first need to initialize the data itself. To make this easier, angular material provides a MatTableDataSource class, which accepts the data you wish to display. This provides a simple API for hooking up to the data table, and makes setting typical called data table functions like sorting and paging relatively easy.
The data set we're going to use in this lesson includes an array of commonly used rxjs operators, their category, and a made-up number of views. Next in our template, we need to include the MatTable component. This component will wrap all other data table components and directives, and accepts an input of data source, which is the MatTableDataSource we initialized in our component.
Inside this component, we then need to include a definition for each column we wish to display. We can do this by utilizing the ng-container directive, giving it the name of the property that the column on include.
Each definition must include two things.
The first is the material header cell. This will define the label that's displayed on the column header. For our case, it would be named to correspond with the name of the operator. Next is the material cell which will display the actual data in each row.
This component exports the row's data, so we go ahead and assign that to a local variable and display the correct property on our operator item. We need to do this for each display property, so I'm going to go ahead and copy down the column definition two more times and adjust the data accordingly. Finally, we need to tell a data table which row should be rendered in the order they should be displayed.
We can do this by using the MatHeaderRow and MatRow components. For the header row, we'll include the MatHeaderRowDef directive, passing it the corresponding name of the header cells in the appropriate order.
Next we'll add the MatRow component which includes the MatRowDef directive. We'll pass this in an array of columns that should be included in each table row.
When we refresh, the material design themed data table is now displayed with our rxjs operator info. To recap where we're at so far, we first need to create a data source. The simple way to do this is to create a MatTableDataSource instance, passing it our data.
Next, we created a MatTable component, passing it the data source as an input. We then need to include a template for both the column header and column cell for every column we wish to include in our data table. Finally, matching our column definitions, we define which columns to include and the order in both our header and our rows.
Now that we have our base data table set up, it's very easy to add paging and sorting. We'll start by coming over to our lesson module and including the MatPaginatorModule and the MatSortModule.
Next, we need to include the MatPaginator component in our template. This gives us paging controls for our data table. The paginator component accepts a couple inputs for configuration.
The first is page size which is the default number of entries the data table will show at one time. For now, we're going to set that to 10.
Next is page size options which is the options the user has to select from. We'll set that to 5, 10, and 25 for now. In order to control paging in your data source, the MatTableDataSource accepts an instance of the material paginator.
To grab a reference to the paginator from our template, we're going to use the ViewChild decorator passing it a MatPaginator. We then need to wait until after our view is rendered using the ng after view init lifecycle hook. At this point, we can assign the MatPaginator reference to our MatTableDataSource.
When we refresh, we now have paging in our data table. We can jump between pages and select the number of items we would like to see per page. It's equally as easy to add sorting to the data table, within our template we just need to add the MatSort directive to our MatTable component.
For any column you wish to enable sorting, you just need to add the MatSortHeader directive to the MatHeaderCell component. For our example, we're going to make all three columns sortable.
Finally, just like the paginator, you can grab a reference using ViewChild, and assign it to your data source sort property. We now have a material design themed data table with paging and sorting column, both descending and ascending. This provides an excellent solution for tabular data display within your application.