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Observables are the foundation in RxJS

InstructorAndré Staltz

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Let's conclude this course by reviewing what an Observable is: a way of representing many values being delivered in push-style from a lazy producer to a consumer. Let's also see how the Observable alone is not everything in RxJS. It serves as the foundation to operators, which are the most useful feature of RxJS.

Now we know in details what an absorbable is. It's just a way of representing many values being delivered from a producer to a consumer.

The producer is lazy, so it only starts delivering values once we call subscribe. The consumer is the set of callbacks, so the next handler, the error handler, and the complete handler.

RXJS is primarily about this observable type, but it's much more. In fact, the observable alone is not so interesting because it's just a subscribe function that takes three callbacks.

This library is a lot about its operators. We haven't seen about operators in this course, so I recommend that next you follow up on RXJS operators in depth. The absorbables serves as the foundation for operators. This is how we can easily compose complex, asynchronistic operations together, whereas with callbacks only, it would be quite hard to manage.