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Use Prop Getters with Render Props

InstructorKent C. Dodds

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When you're using prop collections, sometimes you can run into trouble with exposing implementation details of your prop collections. In this lesson, we'll see how we can abstract that away by simply creating a function called a prop getter that will compose the user's props with our prop collection.

Instructor: In this usage example, we have some custom props that we're providing to the button. If I click on the button, that custom onClick handler is going to be called, but the toggle is not going to be called.

The reason this is happening is because the toggler props that we're spreading across the button, that's intended to wire up our button to be a toggler, is providing an onClick handler. Then we override that onClick handler with our custom onClick here.

We can see this behavior if we move the onClick above, and then we click. We're getting the toggle behavior back, but we're missing on our custom behavior that we want to apply.

One solution to this is to in-line our function here. Then we can call onButtonClick, and then togglerprops.onClick. This will handle both use cases for us, but there are a couple things that I don't like about this.

First of all, it requires this in-line function that we have to define just so we can get this button to behave like a toggler. We're already trying to do that by spreading the toggler props.

The second thing I don't like is this exposes the implementation of the toggler props abstraction, which could lead to problems if we ever decide to change toggler props to use onkeypress rather than onClick, or if we decide we don't need onClick there at all.

Any change to toggler props here would result in a breaking change for anybody using it in this way. What we really want is we want to have some sort of abstraction built into the toggle component that can compose the props that I want to apply the button with the props that the toggler needs to have applied to the button to wire it up properly.

Instead of toggler props, we're going to expose a function called getTogglerProps. Here, we'll call this function, and we'll pass any props that we want to have applied.

Now this is the API that we want to expose, a function which can accept an object of props, and composes that object of props with the props that are required for a button to be a toggler.

Let's go ahead and implement this. We'll create a function that accepts props and returns those props, along with any of the props that we need for our toggler to function properly.

Then we'll swap toggler props with this.getTogglerProps. Our switch is working fine, but we're not composing our click handler properly with this custom toggle button, so let's make that happen.

We'll destructure the onClick from the props. Then here, we can provide a custom arrow function that calls onClick with all the arguments that an onClick handler is called with, and then calls this.toggle.

Now if we run that, our toggle button is broken. That's because the toggle button doesn't actually provide an onClick, so let's say only call this if onClick is defined. Now we can toggle both of these, and everything is working great.

Let's go ahead and refactor this, because I don't really like the way that this looks, and this is generally a pretty common use case for prop getters. I'm going to go up here, and we're going to create a function called callAll. That's going to accept any number of functions, and that'll return a function that accepts any number of arguments.

Then we'll say functions for each. For each function, if that function exists, then we'll call it with the arguments.

Then we can use callAll right here. We'll call the onClick, and this.toggle. That's functionally equivalent to what we had before, just looks a little bit cleaner. Now everything is working exactly as it is intended.

In review, the problem we're trying to solve is there's a common use case for rendering in the toggle component, and that is to render a toggler button. Any of the users of this toggle component will probably be rendering a toggler.

We want to provide a convenience method for them so they don't have to worry themselves about implementation details. They can simply apply the get toggler props.

The problem with toggler props is we couldn't compose things together without exposing implementation details. The user of the toggler props shouldn't have to know that we're using an onClick, and that we're providing an aria-pressed.

They should just be able to spread the props that we provide them, and everything should be wired up correctly. Instead of a toggler props object, we expose this get toggler props function, which they pass any of their props to. Then those props will be returned by the get toggler props component, composing the behavior that is necessary.

Another situation where this could be useful is if we wanted to apply a class name here. We could accept a class name, and then we'd have our class name be the combination of their class name with our custom class name. We could do this with the style prop, and any other prop where it makes sense to compose behavior.

This API also allows people to easily override any of this behavior. If they want to override the aria-pressed, then they can provide an aria-pressed to be null.

If they want to completely override the built-in onClick behavior, then they could actually provide an onClick on button click. Now it's not wired up properly, but maybe that's exactly what they're looking for. This API gives them that flexibility.