Learn how to create a React todo list application using the reducers we wrote before.
In the previous two lessons, we were working on creating the user interface for the to-do list application that displays the to-dos, lets us add new to-dos, and toggle them on click. We implemented that by dispatching at to-do and toggle to-do actions that we already know how to handle in our reducers.
In this lesson, we're going to dispatch set visibility filter reaction and use the visibility filter field to only show the to-dos the user wants to see -- either the completed to-dos, active to-dos, or all to-dos in the current state.
I'm starting by creating a new functional component called, "filter link" that the user needs to click to switch the current visible to-dos. The filter link accepts the filter prop, which is just a string, and the children, which is the contents of the link. It's going to be a simple A tag that doesn't really link anywhere. It's going to prevent the navigation when clicked.
It's going to dispatch an action, the type, set visibility filter, and pass in the filter prop so that the reducer knows which filter is being clicked. I will pass the children down to the A tag, so the consumer can specify the text of the link. Now I can use it in my to-do app component.
Just below the to-do list, I am adding a paragraph where I'm going to offer the user the choice as to which to-dos should be currently visible by using the filter link component I just created.
The filter prop is one of the three possible values, such as show all, which corresponds to showing every to-do in the state, show active, which means just show the to-dos that are not completed yet, and show completed, which means show the completed to-dos. I'm copy-pasting the filter link, and I'm changing the labels and the filters corresponding to it.
Running this code will give me three different things under the list of to-dos. Clicking on them will change the state visibility filter field. However, it doesn't have any effect yet because we don't interpret the value of the visibility filter.
I am creating a new function that is going to help me filter the to-dos according to the filter value. It's called, "get visible to-dos." It accepts two arguments, the to-dos and the filter. It switches on the current filter value.
If the filter is show all, it's going to return all of the to-dos. But if the filter is show completed, it's going to call to-dos.filter, that is array filter method, to only return those to-dos that have completed set to true. Show active is going to the opposite of that. It's going to return only those to-dos where a completed field is false.
Now I need to call this function to filter the to-dos before rendering them. In the render function of the to-do app component, I get the visible to-dos by calling get visible to-dos with the to-dos and the visibility filter values from my props. I'm going to use the visible to-dos instead of these props to-dos when I enumerate them for rendering.
Finally, I now use the visibility filter inside my to-do app component, so I need to pass it as a prop.
I could do this explicitly, but actually it's easier for me just to spread over all the straight fields. So every straight field inside the state object is passed as a prop to the to-do app component. This way, it receives the visibility filter. If I add some to-do items and then click on them, so I change their completed fields, and then click on the visibility filter links, the currently visible to-dos are rendered according to the chosen visibility filter.
The links look all the same right now, but we want to highlight the chosen one. To implement this, we're going to need the visibility filter prop which says which is the current one.
I'm changing the beginning of the render method to destructure the to-dos and the visibility filter from the props, so I can access them directly now without typing this .props every time. I'm going to pass the visibility filter to every filter link, so it can know which filter is the current one and apply different styling if the current filter matches the filter links' own filter.
After passing the current filter prop to every filter link, I go back to the filter link declaration. I'm adding current filter as a prop to it, and I'm adding a condition that says that when the filter is the current filter, that is, when the link is active, I want to return a span instead of a link because I don't want it to be clickable. I want it to be static text.
This completes the user interface of our to-do list example. It lets us add items. It lets us view items, toggle them as completed. When we switch the visibility filter, it displays only relevant to-dos, and it also updates the link appearance, so we see which link is active.
Let's recap how a change in the visibility filter works. It starts with a dispatch code with an action of the type set visibility filter. It passes filter, which is a prop, to the link component, so every one of those three links is going to have a different filter prop it passes in the action.
The store dispatch function will call our root reducer with the state and the action which in turn will call the visibility filter reducer with the part of the state and the action.
Note that when the action type is set visibility filter, it doesn't care for the previous state, it just returns the action filter as the next value, the next state, of the visibility filter reducer. The root reducer will use this new field as part of its new state object.
Because the render function is subscribed to the stored changes, it's going to get this new state object and pass all its keys as props to the to-do app component. The to-do app component will receive the to-dos and the updated visibility filter as its props.
Both these props are passed through the get visible to-dos function, which calculates the currently visible to-dos according to a list of all to-dos and the visibility filter. The filter is just a string saying show all, completed, or active.
The return value is a new array of to-dos that in some cases, filters them and, in some cases, returns as is. The show completed and show active are only different in their predicates.
The return value is the array of visible to-dos. It is used in the render function to actually enumerate every to-do and render it.
The visibility filter field is also used by the filter links as the current filter because the filter link wants to know whether its filter is the current one in order to render a span instead of a link. This is how clicking a link makes it appear selected and changes the currently displayed items in the list.
What would you say about passing an "IsSelected" boolean property instead of "currentFilter"? That way each component only needs to be aware of its "isSelected" status instead of being aware of which filter is currently active.
Could you tell me what the reason is for not using 'React.createClass' when making react components?
Hi. It's considered okay practice for stateless/dumb (I know they're not exactly the same) components to call the store?
What would you say about passing an "IsSelected" boolean property instead of "currentFilter"? That way each component only needs to be aware of its "isSelected" status instead of being aware of which filter is currently active.
Dan is doing something similar in a lesson further down the road.
He seperated the UI logic from behaviour logic. What you describe with isSelected is perfect for a presentation component, but then behaviour around it (the filterLink) should be a container component (also because of the fact that filterLink is passed down multiple times without being used by other components)