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Think in React by Breaking Your UI into Components

InstructorChris Achard

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Every UI on the web can be thought of as a tree of "components".

Break down your UI in your mind by separating out "like" components. Those are what you'll turn into React components for displaying your data.

Chris Achard: The key UI paradigm in React is components. Everything we're going to break into custom components, and then display that on screen. Here we have a TodoList and we wrap the whole thing in a container. Then we have a SearchBar, which is separate from the TodoList itself. Inside the TodoList there are four TodoItems.

Within those components then, we also have the base HTML components. We have text inputs and checkboxes and strings. Those are part of our tree as well.

In our sample app so far, we only have a <div> with an <h1> inside of it, but we can build a tree like this, and now we've created a tree of base HTML components which make up our entire React application.