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Redux: Avoiding Race Conditions with Thunks

InstructorDan Abramov

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We will learn how Redux Thunk middleware lets us conditionally dispatch actions to avoid unnecessary network requests and potential race conditions.

I'm increasing the delay in my fake API client to five seconds. This lets me notice a problem. We don't check if the tab is already loading before starting a request, and then a bunch of receive todos action comes back, potentially resulting in a race condition.

To fix this, I can exit early from the fetch todos action creator if I know that I'm already fetching the todos for the given filter. I will use the existing top level get is fetching selector, that accepts the store state and the filter as arguments. If it returns true, I will exit early from my thunk without dispatching any actions.

The get is fetching selector is defined inside the top level reducer file. I will import it as a named import from reducers. Another function I'm using that isn't defined in this file is get state, and it belongs to the store object, but I don't have access, truly, directly from the action creator.

However, I can make it so that the thunk middleware injects not just store dispatch function inside the thunk actions, but also store get state function. This way, I can grab it as a second argument after dispatch inside my thunk action creator, so I'm adding get state as a second argument.

The fetch todos action creator now dispatches actions conditionally, and if I run the app, I can't get it to produce more than three concurrent requests.

Only after the corresponding receive todos actions come back, the is fetching flag gets reset, and we can request the new todos. This is a good way to avoid unnecessary network operations and potential race conditions.

This is a very common pattern, so you don't have to write the thunk middleware yourself. Instead, you can open up a terminal and run npm install save redux-thunk.

It installs the thunk middleware that is very similar to the one I wrote here, so I can remove my version of thunk middleware, and instead, I can import thunk from redux-thunk.

Finally, let's take a look at the return value of the thunk. It returns a promise. It doesn't have to, but it's convenient for the calling code, so I will change the early return to also return a promise that resolves immediately.

The thunk middleware itself does not use this promise, but it becomes the return value of dispatching this action creator, so I can use it inside the component to schedule some code after the asynchronous action has completed.

Let's recap how we use redux-thunk to dispatch actions asynchronously and conditionally. In the component, we dispatch the fetch todos action, which is implemented as an asynchronous action creator that returns a thunk that is a function that will get interpreted by the redux-thunk middleware.

I import thunk from the redux-thunk package I installed from npm, and I added thunk to the list of redux middlewares I use to create my store. The thunk middleware sees that I dispatched a function rather than an action, so it calls it with dispatch as an argument so that it can dispatch multiple times.

It also passes a second argument called get state that lets me get the current state of the redux store. I pass the state to the get is fetching selector that I import as a top level named import from the reducers file.

I am passing the current state of the store and the filter to get is fetching, and if I am already fetching the todos for this filter, then I will exit early from the thunk so that I don't call the API or dispatch any actions.

Finally, the thunk middleware has no opinion on what you return from the thunk itself. As a convention, I prefer to always return a promise that represents the corresponding asynchronous operation, whether or not it has called the server.

The return value of the thunk becomes the return value of dispatching this thunk, and I can use this to wait for the asynchronous operation to finish inside my component in order to show a message or start an animation.