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Map And Evaluate State With A Stateful Monad

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We explore our first stateful transaction, by devising a means to echo our state value into the resultant for independent modification. With our state value in the resultant, we explore using map to lift functions into our type as a means to modify the resultant.

In our exploration we find that not only can we change values of the resultant, but we can change the type as needed. We also find that we can combine subsequent map calls into function compositions, allowing us to clean up our code and combine our mappings to avoid excessive interactions with our State datatype.

To wrap it all up, we take a look at a handy State construction helper called get that we can use to query the state into resultant. This allows to read from our state for computations that are based on the value of a given state.

Instructor: We'll start off by bringing in a couple constructors. First, we have the star of the show state. We also need a product type called pair that will be needed for the states construction. We define a state as a product type with the fixed type state s on the left and a variable type resultant on the right.

When constructing a state, we need to provide it a function that will take a fixed state and return as a pair with the resultant as the first, and the state as the second. We have the state instance that will yield us a pair which adds 10 to the state as the resultant in the first, and provides an unmodified state s in the second.

Let's log this out and get a gander at what we're working with by passing our state into this log function. We now need to provide some initial state which we'll do by passing 23 to this RunWith method, which as we see gets us our pair 33 23. We can extract our resultant from the pair by calling fst on it, and s and d will get us our state.

Looking at this code, it seems rather cumbersome to enlist this construction every time just to modify the resultant. A better interface would allow us to eject or lift any JavaScript function, and let the type do all the plumbing for us. An interface like this does exist in the forum of a method name map.

States map is defined as a method on a state of sa that takes a function a to b, and gives us back a new state of sb. In order to use map, some adjustment will be needed. We need a construction that will put the current state into the resultant on the right, so we can map over it. For this purpose, let's create a function which will call getState.

GetState will provide us with a state instance with s on the left and right, which will abbreviate as just s. Next step, we make it a function that accepts nothing or a unit and return us our state. We implement the function to return our construction, update the name, and just remove the plus 10, which in turn provides us a pair with the state branched on both sides, just what we were looking for.

Now, let's update our call downstairs to get it's instance from our new helper by giving it a call passing and nothing. We'll give it a save and we see that our state is in the second. Using fst to check the resultant, we see it is there as well. Finally, we see a pair of 23 23 for the type as a whole. Perfect.

Now, let's set about the task of making the function we want to lift in. To keep it co-insistent, let's use this curried add function that takes a number and another number returning us a number. We give it in X, then a Y, and it gives us the result of those numbers under addition. All that is needed now is to lift our function into our state.

We just call map on our instance, partially applying 10 to add, and to make our linter happy, we should probably bring in the add function by destructuring it off of the helper's object provided by the helper's pile which we can require in.

When we give it a save, we see we now have 33 in the resultant. Let's have a little fun and change the state to zero, which will change our resultant to 10 while leading our original state of zero intact. When map is defined earlier, it was mentioned that it takes a function from a to b. In our case, we provided a function from number to number or a to a.

The beauty of the resultant is it is not constrained to a type like the state portion is. We can vary the type of the resultant to accommodate our needs. To demonstrate this, let's pull in this pluralize function. It is defined as a function that takes a Tuple string string as a context, and takes a number as it's data returning us a string.

The strings represent the singular and plural forms while the number is the value to be pluralized. Now is the time to get awesome. Let's replace this siggy with a function called makeAwesome. We can use pluralize to move our number A into a string B.

MakeAwesome is defined as a function that takes a number and returns us a string. To implement, we just call pluralize partially applying awesome for the singular and awesomes for the plural, leaving us a function that matches our definition. Just like with add, we need to a piece or linter by plucking pluralize off of the helper's to make it available in our file.

With pluralize now in scope, let's replace our add function with a call to makeAwesome and check the state. We verified that it's still zero, but now when we pull the resultant, we see we have zero awesomes. Passing one gets us one awesome, while one hundred results in a hundred awesomes which is not too shabby, if I do say so myself, but it doesn't stop there.

Just by inserting our add function, we can map over both functions resulting in a 110 awesomes. If we narrow our eyes just a wee bit, we may notice that these calls resemble function composition. We can put this theory to the test by combining these functions using a compose function.

First, let's declare a function called flow which is defined as a function that takes a number and returns back a string. We implement it by using composed constructor function that calls makeAwesome passing in the result of adding 10 to flows input. If our theory is correct, then flow must be equivalent to these two mappings.

Before we can test our theory, we need to pull in the compose helper function from crocks and make sure it's in scope for a new function. With everything in its place, let's jump down to the bottom and replace our two maps with one map over our new flow.

We'll give it a save to get a 110 awesomes as the resultant, and the state comes back as the number 100 seems equivalent indeed. Supplying -9 is the state. We see that our state portion now holds -9, well -9 plus 10 gives us one whole awesome in our resultant.

Finally, we see that our original state of 23, now yields 33 awesomes. Now to wrap this up, lifting different functions in the state to map over the resultant is so common place. That state provides a construction helper on the constructor named get which will destructure off of state, removing the need to build this construction ourselves.

When our getState call is replaced with the call to get, we see the same 33 awesomes in the resultant, and the expected 23 in the state. As a whole, we get a pair 33 awesomes 23.