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Intro to Advanced JavaScript Foundations

InstructorTyler Clark

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Thanks for watching my advanced javascript fundamentals course! This course has been really fun to put together and is a subject close to my heart. Not just because I love Javascript but because I came from a mostly self-taught background. A lot of these concepts were a mystery to me for far too long in the beginning of my career.

Also, I often see many of these concepts tripping up developers today… especially in edge case scenarios or during interviews. My hope is that I can save you from a lower salary offer, not getting a job, debugging a difficult code bases, and actually help you write cleaner code.

Sure knowing these concepts are not required to use React, Angular, Vue, or just JavaScript in general, but I firmly believe that these advanced fundamentals can make a significant impact in your career.

Instructor: Hello, everyone. Thanks for watching my course. This has been really fun to put together and is a subject close to my heart, not just because I love JavaScript but because I came from a mostly self-taught background. A lot of these concepts were a mystery to me for far too long in the beginning of my career.

Also, I just have often seen many of these concepts trip up developers today, especially in education scenarios or during interviews. My hope is that I can save you from a lower salary offer, not getting a job, debugging a difficult code base, and help you write cleaner code.

Some of the concepts I cover in this course includes using the this keyword, how to do so implicitly and explicitly. We'll talk about the power of coercion and why it's not something to be afraid of or avoided at all costs.

We'll do some exercises with the ES6 class, including my favorite, trying to desugar the class into functions and prototypes. We'll talk about types within JavaScript and not object data types as you may think, but talk through examples of primitive types, the types that are not objects that are used every day.

Then we'll take this further and explore the concept of autoboxing. This answers that non-burning question of why are we able to treat primitive types as objects? We talk about the prototype chain, the new keyword and what the difference is between a function's .prototype property and the .__proto__property that live in object types.

What really is inherited within JavaScript? Why do we always have access to methods and array instances like map, filter and reduce? These are all answered in this course. Finally, we also talk about scoping concepts, block scope, variable declarations of var, let and const, creating private variables and much more.

Sure, knowing these concepts are not required to use React, Angular, Vue or just JavaScript in general, but I firmly believe that these advanced fundamentals can make a significant impact in your career.