You're going to run into a lot of frustration writing Node CLI's unless you get good at debugging. (Even if you use TypeScript!) To understand code execution (particularly code you didn't write), you should be comfortable using the VS Code Debugger for its excellent step-through and watch features. But in case you don't know where the problem is (particularly for heavily nested codebases like React) or if you're looking for performance issues rather than code errors, you'll also want a robust logging solution. The debug
module is best in class and is built into Oclif.
Instructor: The easiest way to debug any known script or CLI is to run it via the node inspect-brk flag inside of VS Code. This integration lets you stop and watch any part of your code inside of the VS Code environment.
For example, I can place a break point inside of this run file. When I run this code, the debugger will actually stop at this breakpoint. I can hover over variables of interest and see what I want to do with that and whether it will execute correctly.
For example, if I'm expecting this to proceed on and evaluate to true, I can see that it did exactly that. I can see that I'm also in dev mode as well. If I wanted to, I can also type in process.argv and monitor that value over here and see it change over time.
However, some code isn't exactly amenable to step-through debugging, in particular code where it's heavily nested loops and you don't exactly know what might be the issue with your code. You can also add a debugger to your statements, but sometimes this doesn't work well with TypeScript.
Some of the more foolproof way, especially if you're looking into debugging performance, is to add a debugger statement. This comes with oclif by default. If you run debug equals star yarn mycli, you actually tap into the debugging that is set up by oclif by default.
This actually shows you a key amount of information about which is executing in what order, as well as how much time it takes to execute. If there any particular outliers, you might be able to see if you can save some time on some of these execution steps. The debug environment variable runs on a glob matching algorithm.
For example, if I only wanted to see oclif internals, I can type oclif. It would only print out the oclif-related stuff. If I wanted to see stuff that's related only to mycli, I can print that out as well. There's no reason to stop there. I should also be able to add the debug module and go to any one of my commands.
For example, here I'm in the init command. I can import that and name the debug. For example, I can say, "mycli init" over here. Then I can use this as an essentially better console.log.
For example, if I'm running my commands in here, I can say that I want to log out my args and my flags. Instead of console.logging, I can say, "debug parsing args." I can say, "parsing flags" here as well.
That would be handy. By default, this debug message does not show up when I run this code. If I run yarn mycli init, this logging message doesn't show up in my code, but if I ever need it for any debugging reason, I can just add debug equals mycli star and see that match up with mycli init, which I have over here.
The debug message pops up that I'm parsing args where file is undefined because I didn't pass a file, and parsing flags where name is people because that's the default name that I chose over here. This is a very flexible way of debugging.
You can choose multiple names for different files within your code. That's a really good way to namespace your logging messages. Instead of log levels like warn or error, you have a lot of finer grain detail. You can use this glob matching to match and dynamically select what logs you want to see that's relevant to the problem that you're trying to solve.
Good cover for the debugging, thanks for sharing. One suggestion, I think it worth to mention: to make the debug work, we need to turn on
toggle in settings.
I have no idea how to get this working in the shell using DEBUG=* yarn mycli. I have tried bash, zsh and fish shell to no avail. I asumption is that I need to replace mycli part with my bin command. My shell thinks i'm trying to run a yarn script hense the error message "error Command "mycli" not found" Please help.
I got it wokring, needed to setup a yarn workspace.