In this lesson we’ll continue wiring up our custom ExpressJS server by configuring our blog/:id
route to display each post depending on the id
received. Once configured, we’ll see how we can use Next.js’ <Link />
component to perform route-navigation for us within our application.
Instructor: To finish up our custom server, let's create the routes for our blog post. To do this, we're going to define a GET request to the blogs/:id route. We're going to set this up to render the post template that's going to live inside of our pages directory.
To do this, we're just going to use that app.render function that we used above when defined the blog route, and we're going to pass in /post as the third parameter list.
Since we'll need a waiter queries specific post, we can set up this route to send the id for each post using the request query object. By wiring up this object.assign call, we'll successfully pass the id parameter inside of the request object, each time this router receives an id.
Now that our blog id router is set up, let's add some configuration for handling calls to the post route. As we know, we want to make sure that the post page loads when individual blog post is requested. We're just going to using if statement to tell our application to redirect to the blog id route, if an id is present.
If there is no id within the request query, then we'll lead the user back to our main blog page. Now that our routes are in place, we can modify our index.js file to include some links to each blog post. To do this, I'm just going to import next link component from the next link library.
Once imported, I can then place these links inside of the raise button component. Inside our links, we're going to want to add some "a" tags to ensure application recognizes our hyperlinks. Inside of our link component, we're going to using the href attribute to actually pass the id parameter to our post route.
This is according to no js's URL module. We're just going to parse this URL for us, so we can get the correct id for each route. Following this, we're going to use the ass attribute to define how this route transition should display in the browser.
Each blog post will appear as /blog id with the id being whatever we get from the blogger API. Before we check this out, let's quickly go ahead and create this post.js file which as we know, it's going to be used to render our individual blog post.
Inside here, I'm going to import the header component as well as our Material-UI HOC. Below this, I'm just going to create a component name post, and give it a title prop that are just renders in text to signify that this page is in fact being loaded when we click on each blog post button.
If you remember, MUI is going to be looking for getInitialProps calls within our components. Some also is going to scaffold down an empty asyncawait function just we could see everything being rendered. OK, now you just need [inaudible] component using our HOC. Now, we can restart development server and check out the page.
Taking a look at our page, we should see that our "a" tags are being rendered its hyperlinks for us. If we click on these buttons, we'll see that are custom server config is in fact working, as next is taking us these new blogs/id routes as shown in the browser.
Not a great course, I got confused and went to nextjs docs, then realized that you shouldn't have introduced getInitialprops
in the second video itself. There is no good structure for the video, there is no goal what we are learning through, are we learning nextjs or material design.