In this lesson you will learn how to create a new twitter app to later use it for the development of the services which require communication with twitter API.
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Dimitri Ivashchuk: To start working with Twitter API, you need to first create an app. Go to with either your personal account, like I do, or register the separate account for this. Then press Create a new app. You need to provide the name of the app, short description, the URL where this app lives, and tell Twitter how this app will be used so it doesn't violate their terms and conditions.
In this case, it will be egghead-test, App to test some twitter api. In the URL, I will just provide my personal website. We can enable Sign in with Twitter, but we won't use it in this election, and we need to tell how this app will be used. Let's see what we are missing. Callback URL, yeah, and we don't need the Sign in with Twitter. We can Create an app.
Twitter tells you what you are prohibited to do. No access of automation, no government use and surveillance, and no derivation of sensitive information from the user data. If you're not doing that, you're good to go with Twitter API.
Create an app, and you see that Application has been successfully created. You can see the application data on this page, and we can go to the next tutorial.