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Speed Editing in Screenflow by Remapping Your Mouse with Karabiner

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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Ripple Delete is the most common command you will perform when editing with Screenflow, thus we should make it the simplest action to perform. Unfortunately, it requires a mouse click + shift and a command + delete. We can bind this sequence to a right mouse click using Karabiner mappings.

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Instructor: Basically, the only thing I do in Screenflow is shift click, and then the keyboard shortcut for ripple delete, which is command backspace, to take out the chunks between when I'm speaking. My goals is to make that action as simple as possible.

You might consider configuring your mouse, but I don't have the option of changing my right click. On my middle button, the closest I could do is get an advanced click, which would allow me to shift click. It couldn't also do a command delete after that.

We have to take it to the next level. In Karabiner, what I can do is add a section called Applications. I'll name this Screenflow. This will check for Screenflow in the ID of the currently open application. Then I can use my Screenflow condition inside of a new set of rules, which I'll define here.

I'll write a description of this is ScreenFlow rules or this is ScreenFlow. The rules for this will start with a condition of ScreenFlow. Meaning, I only wanted to invoke these rules once ScreenFlow is the open application.

I map a from combination of P key button to, which is my right click mouse button to a sequence of actions where the first one is P key button one. Meaning, a left click with a modifier of left shift and then the next action would be mandatory command. The key for the delete is called delete or backspace.

Once I save this and I go back over to ScreenFlow, I can left click, right click, left click, right click, left click, right click and edit my video faster than I ever thought possible.