In this lesson we are going to use CSS variables to keep our application's colors consistent. This includes defining the variables inside our the pseudo class :root and using the var function within our classes.
We finish up the lesson using JavaScript to log and modify our defined CSS variables.
Instructor: CSS variables give us the ability to dynamically keep our application styles consistent. For example, when trying to apply a theme of colors throughout an application, one could use a set number of CSS variables instead hard-coding hex codes repeatedly everywhere the color is used.
The first thing we want to do to define our CSS variable is use the root pseudo-class We'll do --main equals red. Then we'll change all the times that we call red to var(--main). Now, we can rerun this, and we'll see that the text stays red.
If we check our console, we can see that the variable is being used the color. Then inside of our computed tab, we can find the color, and see that that's red as well. The root pseudo-class matches the root element of a tree representing the document.
In HTML, root represents the HTML element, and is identical to the selector HTML, except that it has a higher specificity. The var function is used to insert the value of a CSS variable. Var cannot be used in property name selectors, or anything else besides property values.
The first argument is the name of the CSS variable. We can utilize the second optional argument, which serves as a fallback, by adding purple to title, blue to our h2, and yellow to our h3. If we go up and comment out our main variable and rerun it, we'll see that we get our fallback colors for our titles.
Another neat thing we can do with CSS variables is access it through JavaScript. We do const h1 equals document.querySelector in our title class. We could then do console.log, getComputedStyle, h1, .getPropertyValue, and our main variable.
Now, if we comment this back in, and then run it, we can see in our console the value that the main variable has, which is red. The getComputedStyle method returns an object that reports the values of all CSS properties of an element, in our case, our h1. This is after applying style sheets, and resolving any basic computation.
Then the getPropertyValue method returns a DOM string containing the value of a specified CSS property. We can also function enlarge, and then, a size variable, and 50 pixels in a string.
Then inside of our CSS, we'll make that size variable as 20, and add it to our h1 title class for the font size property. Now, if we run this, we'll see that our h1 shrinks down to 20 pixels in font size. Now, inside of our HTML, we'll add a button element with an onClick that does our enlarge function.
We'll have it say grow h1, and close it off. Now, if we run it, we'll see the button appear. We can click on it, and watch our h1 grow to 50 pixels. Now, if we look at the styles, and go to the computed tab again, we can see that our font size is now 50 pixels.
Again, this is all possible because our enlarge function is going to our document, and setting our size variable to be 50, which overrides whatever is currently there.