Protractor is an end-to-end testing library for AngularJS. This video lesson will walk through getting Protractor installed and writing your first test.
Was there a previous tutorial where them built out all the folders in this tutorial?
the index.html references app.css but I don't see it in the code below the video.
Agreed. The directory structure is confusing and unexplained.
This tutorial is outdated. You don't need to .getInstance() and use browser.get('/') instead. I had to do some Googling.
It looks very similar to the directory structure generated by phpstorm/webstorm for an Angular project. AKA angular-seed.
Also I agree that the first video was quite confusing - where'd all those files come from. I wish they'd mentioned they used angular-seed (if indeed they did use it) right from the start.
How does Protractor know where index.html
Would like to have the source files being used in the video, with all those directories...
Evan, Thank you. Paul
he speaks too fast and unclearly it is too hard to follow him
Protractor hits the localhost:3333 endpoint, which is defined in the baseUrl. In the video he opens a new terminal window, navigates to the app directory where the index.html file is located and starts httpster. He skips explaining a few of the aforementioned steps.
Any updates? This video is 4 years old - that's ancient in web terms...
I probably won't update this at all.